About Us

UNITless was found in 2011 with a conviction to bring conceptual ideas in the architectural forefront to life. Great ideas are often formed and discussed within the design community, but the vast majority never sees the light of day. To provide our clients with the most cutting-edge design, we engineer solutions to materialize these exciting concepts.

유닛레스는 2011년도에 설립되어 창의적인 건축 아이디어를 실현하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 현재, 창의적이고 좋은 디자인들이 건축에서 많이 거론되고는 있으나 그중 대다수가 현실화 과정에서 좌절되어 빛을 발하지 못하는 실정입니다. 유닛레스는 클라이언트와의 심도있는 커뮤니케이션을 통해 참신하고 흥미로운 디자인이 나올 수 있도록 최선의 노력을 다하겠습니다.

The Team

Alvin Shim


-B.Arch from USC
-MsAAD from Columbia Uni.

CJ Park


-B.Arch from Chung-ang Uni.
-M.ARCH from Columbia Uni.


We provide a comprehensive architectural and interior design service that caters to the need of any industry. Our company specializes in conceptual design and construction documents. The drawings will be usable by any construction team around the world. UNITless is the one-stop solution to make your vision an architectural reality.

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