D House Interior

Minimalist Boutique Design

The owner of the D House project approached UNITless with a request of building a minimalist space with a splash of boutique like elements. To achieve this, the design team at UNITless approached the project by limiting the color spectrum to the greyscale and used the warm colors of hardwood floor to bring the space alive. The boutique like elements were approached by reusing the old elements that the site already had, and picking new materials to bring it to life.

D House 의 클라이언트는 미니멀한 공간에 부티크적인 요소를 가미한 주택 리노베이션을 부탁하였습니다. 이러한 요구를 맞추기 위해 유닛레스는 회색계열의 색과 원목마루를 사용하여 기존의 집의 요소들을 살려 새로운 공간을 창출하였습니다.

Simplified Living

To follow the minimalist idea that the owners wanted, the team paid close attention to the material and the usability of the design. Storage spaces and the speakers were crafted to be seamlessly stitched in, so that its usage would be natural. 

미니멀적인 요소를 살리기 위해 유닛레스에서는 저장공간 및 기타 요소(스피커,티비 등등)들을 선이 없이 처리함으로써 마감에서의 심플함을 추구하였습니다.

Existing Elements Revisited

Many elements such as the old chandelier and the oddly shaped windows were kept on purpose to create the unique vibe that a boutique would have. To make these elements fit in with the minimalist design, the team carefully selected materials and colors to bridge the two contrasting themes.

기존의 샹들리에 및 창들로 만들어지는 이색적인 공간들은 부티크한 요소들로 사용되어졌으며 이들이 새로운 미니멀한 디자인과 어울릴수 있도록 재료 및 색선정을 통해 융화를 할수 있도록 하였습니다.

Revival of the Old

The D House project was able to achieve the request of the client, with a very economical budget mainly due to the sensible planning of the site. The client and the team were quickly able to reach an agreement on what to keep and demolish. By recycling the working factors of the old site, and bringing out its worth with new designs made the D House into a one of a kind space.

D주택은 클라이언트와의 원활한 소통을 통해 적은 예산안에서 버려할 부분들과 보존해야할 부분들의 조화를 이루워 새로운 공간을 창출을 할 수 있었던 프로젝트입니다.

2014 Oct/Housing/67.45㎡(20.44py)

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